Saturday, March 2, 2013


We finally got another computer after being robbed.  Thankfully we had Carbonite, so after over a week of restoring all of our files...I finally have a computer that I can jump on and write.  A few,  one person said they miss reading my here I am!

This will be a random post, because my thoughts are bouncing.

I ran across this on Pinterest and think it's so pretty.  But it's sold out and kinda expensive, so I'll keep my old one for now.

The Sleeping Beauties shop is kinda slow right now.  But to be honest, I haven't devoted much time to creating new things, so I can't expect many sells right now either.  Check out my Facebook and Etsy page.  When I do make a goodie for someone and they like it, it makes my day!

As far as my job change, it's going great!  It's been 2 months since I said my bittersweet good-bye to some wonderful friends and walked out of a job that I enjoyed for 6 years.  I have missed my L&D job a tiny bit when 2 of my old co-workers delivered their 1st babies and 2 previous patients that I bonded with and helped out them on their 1st delivery~had their 2nd babies...on those days, I thought it would be nice to be a part of their special day.  However I do not regret my decision one bit.  I'm enjoying working in the pediatric office.  I'm enjoying my co-workers, how close it is to home and my hours.  I no longer walk in to my babies that are already sleeping.  I get good night kisses EVERY night...I love that!   I love doing what I want on the weekends instead of checking to see if it's my work weekend.  I always missed out on so many weekend things.  In the past 2 months, we've been able to hang out/run/go out with friends and family.  It's been wonderful.  All amazing changes in my life.

The most precious things in life aren't things after all.  

I saw this quote today and it hasn't left my mind since I read it.  I think the most precious things are 

  • love 
  • feeling loved & valued
  • happiness
  • contentment
  • the feeling after a good ol belly laugh
These are just a few things that I take for granted some times, but am working on keeping in the front of my mind.

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Unknown said...

Well I sure wish you coulda held out a few more months for baby #3 to come but I'm happy to hear the new job is working out so well. Not that I thought it wouldn't. Love the bedspread.

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