Beautiful Bella

Bella graced us with her presence on December 15, 2009.  She was a chunky 8 pounds 11 ounces.  Thankfully, I had a smooth labor and delivery with her.  Being a labor & delivery nurse, you know all that can go wrong and you pray that much more intensely.  God heard me and answered my prayers.  She has beautiful, blue eyes and a contagious smile.  She’s just so darn cute!  As much as we are trying to teach her, I think she is teaching us more.  She is teaching us how to parent and how to love someone so completely unconditionally.  I am so excited about the future while trying to savor today.  
{almost} 4 years old
Lucy {almost} 2.  Bella {almost} 4.
Lucy {almost} 1.  Bella {almost} 3.

Bella's 1st Halloween (2010)

1 year old 

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