Sunday, November 18, 2012

trusting in the Lord, hoping for the best

I don't believe anything happens by coincident.  I believe in the divine plan that our Lord has set for us. I whole-heartily believe that the people in our lives mold us into the person we are.  The people surrounding us are preparing us for our future.  I am confident that the Lord allows doors to be open at a precise time and opportunities are given to us.  What we choose to do with those opportunities are on us.  How hard we are willing to work for what we want to achieve is up to us.  In this life we will have to make decisions.  Some small, some life changing.  Some easy, some extremely difficult.  I don't know how people who don't put their faith in the Lord endures such decisions.  When I am at a crossroad in my life, I pray intensely.  Trusting in the Lord that all will work out.

When you say your prayers, mention me.  I am at that crossroad ~ trusting in the Lord, hoping for the best.

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Brynn said...

I'm praying for you, sweet friend. Everything will be fine! I love you!

Melanie @ 4Kottez said...

I am for sure girl - AND I agree with this WHOLE post. Many prayers and thoughts your way.

Kimmyyy83 said...

Praying for you sweet lady!

Amy said...

Praying for you. I don't know how people make it without God's help either.

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